SPAH Convention - Policies for Marketing & Selling Products

SPAH welcomes and appreciates all of the registered Vendors (listed in the Convention Program) who spend time, money and a great deal of effort to bring and show their products in the Vendor Hall at SPAH Conventions. SPAH also recognizes the contributions from performers & seminar presenters who offer their music and related products to audiences and students. Both are essential to the SPAH family and Convention experience. In most years, a registered Vendor will assist performing artists and seminar presenters in selling their products in the Vendor Hall.

Consistent with these two essential SPAH communities, there are two important policies that govern selling products at, or during, the SPAH Convention. Both are also printed in the Convention Program.

  1. Selling:
    Except at the designated Swap Meet, SPAH convention attendees are to refrain from visibly marketing or selling any products or services or establishing a place of business in any public areas on the Convention premises unless the attendee is an authorized seminar presenter or performer (during or immediately following their seminar or performance) or unless the attendee is a credentialed Vendor (at their booth). SPAH reserves the right to request any attendee violating this policy to leave the convention premises.
    Private transactions between attendees—one buyer and one seller—are permitted provided that they do not violate this policy.
  2.  SWAP Meet (usually Friday):
    Convention attendees are invited to bring their extra “harmonica stuff” to the the annual Swap Meet. Attendees can find table space, sell some old treasures or buy new ones. You are responsible for all your items. Note: If you are selling new products, please work with one of our registered Vendors in the Vendor Hall.
    Out of respect for registered SPAH Vendors, the Swap Meet is the place to sell your “extra stuff”, not a place to set up shop.

If you would like to explore joining the Vendor community at a SPAH Convention, please Contact Us and we will be happy to explain how it works. All vendor fees include one Convention registration, with a package option to add the banquet and program advertising – all at attractive prices. Larger booths come with additional registration options.