Your membership in SPAH

Not a SPAH member yet? You should be!


SPAH Members are the life blood of the harmonica community. Together, we ensure that the instrument, the music, performers, teachers and evolution of the instrument in all its forms is preserved and advanced for the next 60 years, and beyond!

Membership makes you part of a worldwide community of talented and dedicated harmonica musicians and entitles you to numerous membership benefits:

  • 4 issues of the full-color SPAH magazine, Harmonica Happenings, mailed to you each quarter
  • Discount prices to attend the SPAH Convention, in person or online
  • Discount prices to attend certain harmonica workshops (e.g. Kerrville Folk Festival, Blown Away on the Bayou)
  • Access to the SPAH membership website (some coming in 2024), including:
    • Unique video content from past Conventions
    • Teachers & Workshop organizers may create their own page on the SPAH website to help our members improve their skills
    • Club leadership can create a page to help new players find a local club to join
    • Access to online copies of back issues of Harmonica Happenings

Annual dues are $60 per year for an individual, and $75 per year for a family. We accept new members throughout the year, and renewals done at or after the Annual Convention in August are good through the end of the following year!. Renewals are due by January 31 at the latest, but we encourage you to renew at the Convention or soon after.  Renewal instructions.

To join SPAH right now go to the online membership form and fill it out. If you prefer, you can download the application and mail it to SPAH with a check for your dues in accordance with the specifications above and mail both to:

PO Box 551381
Dallas, TX 75355

We accept various forms of payment:

  • Check in U.S. Dollars drawn on a U.S. bank.
  • New York Bank Draft
  • VISA or Mastercard
  • Contact us if none of these work for you

Join or renew your membership here. It takes all of us to keep this going!